Complementary Civil Works
Construction Services
Complementary Civil Works
With our leading-edge equipment and skilled team we can advise on, construct and maintain your environment. We transform landscapes
On many projects our customer will need complementary building work to complete the desired landscape.
We can assist our clients or main contractors with groundworks, drainage, retaining walls and features to give that finishing touch.
Importantly we are capable of rapid response on such work, often supporting your main contractor with additional capacity and capability.
Case Studies
Earth bank retaining structures
Talbots were challenged with a project that needed to be completed in a timely manner with little disruption to the public.
Icknield Port Loop
We created an open space designed to nurture a sense of identity and place in the heart of the area, offering residents and workers an enjoyable environment for leisure activities, play, and informal recreation.
Commonwealth Games village
We were engaged by the lead contractor to undertake varied soft and hard landscaping and tree planting before, during and after 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham